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Dev Containers: A New Era in Development Environment

Ever found yourself in the twilight zone of coding, where your code runs like a dream on your local machine but throws a tantrum in the actual environment? Ah, the classic “it works on my machine” syndrome! We’ve all been there, haven’t we? Diving deep into the abyss of debugging, only to discover that the culprit was a sneaky dependency mismatch. The joys of being a developer, right? 

Here comes our savior to help us with this: ‘Dev Containers’


In the wild jungle of software development, a new species has emerged, rising above the rest in its versatility and adaptability. Meet the Dev Containers, the Swiss Army knife of development environments. They’re like a genie in a bottle (or rather, a Docker container), ready to grant your every development wish! 

What are Dev Containers? 

Dev Containers are like your personal butler, serving you everything you need for your development work on a silver platter. They’re Docker containers equipped with all the tools, dependencies, and even the code editor you need. No more “it works on my machine” excuses because now everyone’s machine is the same!
Why Use Dev Containers? 

Dev Containers are like the superheroes of the development world:

1.Consistency: They ensure justice by making sure everyone in the team is playing by the same rules. 2.Isolation: They protect your projects from each other, like a superhero protecting the city from villains. 
3.Reproducibility: They can clone themselves faster than a speeding bullet, making it easy to replicate your development environment. 
4.Automation: They can set up your development environment in a flash, saving the day by saving you time. 

Prerequisites for Dev Containers 

Before you can start using Dev Containers, you need to have certain prerequisites in place: 

1.Docker: You need Docker installed and running on your machine. After all, Dev Containers are Docker containers. 
2.VS Code: You need Visual Studio Code, which has built-in support for Dev Containers. It’s like the Batmobile of code editors. 
3.Remote — Containers extension: This VS Code extension is what allows you to open any folder inside a Dev Container. 

Tools that Support Dev Containers

Currently, Visual Studio Code is the main IDE that supports Dev Containers out of the box with its Remote — Containers extension. However, the concept of containerized development environments is catching on, and we might see more IDEs supporting this in the future. 

 Follow this link for more Information — 

Use Cases 

Let’s look at some use cases of how you can use Dev Containers in different scenarios:

Node.js Development: You can set up a Dev Container with Node.js, npm, and your favorite code editor installed. You can also include a .nvmrc file to specify the Node.js version, ensuring everyone is using the same version.
    "name": "My Dev Container",
    "build": {
        "dockerfile": "Dockerfile",
        "context": "..",
        "args": { "VARIANT": "3" }
    "runArgs": [ "-u", "python" ],
    "settings": { 
        "": "/bin/bash"
    "extensions": ["ms-python.python"],
    "postCreateCommand": "echo 'Welcome to your Dev Container!'",
    "features": {
        "github": "insiders"
    "forwardPorts": [5000],
    "containerEnv": {
        "MY_ENV_VAR": "my-value"
    "remoteUser": "python"
Multi-Service Applications: If your application consists of multiple services (e.g., a front-end and a back-end), you can use Docker Compose to define multiple containers and include a devcontainer.json file to specify how they should be set up.

    "name": "Multi-Service Application",
    "dockerComposeFile": "docker-compose.yml",
    "service": "app",
    "workspaceFolder": "/workspace",
    "extensions": ["dbaeumer.vscode-eslint"],
    "postCreateCommand": "npm install",
    "forwardPorts": [3000, 5000],
    "containerEnv": {
        "NODE_ENV": "development"
    "remoteUser": "node"

Testing Across Different Environments: You can have multiple devcontainer.json files, each specifying a different environment (e.g., different versions of a language or library), allowing you to test your application across different environments easily.

    "name": "Python 3",
    "build": {
        "dockerfile": "Dockerfile",
        "context": "..",
        "args": { "VARIANT": "3" }
    "runArgs": [ "-u", "python" ],
    "settings": { 
        "": "/bin/bash"
    "extensions": ["ms-python.python"]
    "name": "Python 2",
    "build": {
        "dockerfile": "Dockerfile",
        "context": "..",
        "args": { "VARIANT": "2" }
    "runArgs": [ "-u", "python" ],
    "settings": { 
        "": "/bin/bash"
    "extensions": ["ms-python.python"]
In this example, you can set the `VARIANT` argument to install different Python versions. 


Dev Containers are revolutionizing the way we approach software development. They offer a level of flexibility, consistency, and reproducibility that was previously unheard of. Whether you’re a solo developer working on a side project or part of a large team working on a complex application, Dev Containers can make your life easier. 

 Remember, the best way to understand Dev Containers is to dive in and start using them. So why not give it a try on your next project? You might just find it’s the best decision you’ve made for your development workflow!
