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ELK in Kubernetes Production



Are you looking to harness the power of Elasticsearch for storing and searching through large volumes of textual data, coupled with the visualization capabilities of Kibana? Look no further than Kubernetes, the leading container orchestrator. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of deploying Elasticsearch and Kibana on Kubernetes, leveraging best practices and industry-standard tools like Helm.

Understanding Elasticsearch and Kubernetes

Elasticsearch is a distributed, scalable search engine designed to handle large volumes of data efficiently. It’s perfect for scenarios like log aggregation, metrics analysis, and full-text search. On the other hand, Kubernetes is a container orchestrator that simplifies the deployment and management of containerized applications, providing scalability and resilience.

Why Deploy Elasticsearch on Kubernetes?

Running Elasticsearch on Kubernetes offers several advantages. Kubernetes provides easy scalability, simplified management, and consistent deployment across different environments. By leveraging Kubernetes features like StatefulSets and PersistentVolumes, you can ensure data persistence and high availability for your Elasticsearch cluster.

Elasticsearch Cluster Architecture:

The Elasticsearch cluster comprises three types of nodes:

⦁ Master nodes: Handle cluster-wide management and configuration.

⦁ Data nodes: Responsible for storing data and executing data-related operations like searches.

 Client nodes: Route cluster requests to the master node and handle data-related requests to data nodes.

The recommended practice is to deploy a total of 7 pods in the Elasticsearch cluster: 3 Master node pods, 2 Data node pods, and 2 Client node pods. The diagram below illustrates the cluster architecture with these pods.

Data node pods are deployed as a StatefulSet with a headless service toe stable network identities. Master node pods are deployed as a ReplicaSet with a headless service, facilitating auto-discovery. Client node pods are also deployed as a ReplicaSet, but with an internal service that allows access to the Data nodes for read/write requests.

Memory Requirements for Deploying Elasticsearch on Kubernetes

When deploying Elasticsearch on Kubernetes, remember to allocate at least 4GB of memory to each Kubernetes node. To run smoothly, you’ll need a minimum of 7 nodes. The default size for PersistentVolumeClaims (PVCs) in each Elasticsearch Pod is 30GB, determining your block storage needs. Since pods are managed within a StatefulSet, ensure you have 30GB of storage available for each additional pod you create. Dealing with PVCs can be complex, especially outside of cloud services, as manual deletion may be required. Issues like pod startup failures often result from insufficient storage or lingering old PVCs.

Deploying a 7-Pod Elasticsearch Cluster on Kubernetes with Helm

To configure a robust Elasticsearch cluster, we follow best practices to set up 7 Pods: 3 master Pods, 2 data Pods, and 2 client Pods. This setup ensures optimal performance and reliability.

Start by running the Helm install command without any additional parameters:

helm install --name elasticsearch elastic/elasticsearch

Next, upgrade the Elasticsearch Pods to increase their number and assign specific roles. Create three YAML configuration files for this purpose:

 Master Pods Configuration:

# master.yaml
clusterName: "elasticsearch"
nodeGroup: "master"
  master: "true"
  ingest: "false"
  data: "false"
replicas: 3

Data Pods Configuration:

# data.yaml
clusterName: "elasticsearch"
nodeGroup: "data"
  master: "false"
  ingest: "true"
  data: "true"
replicas: 2

Clients Pods Configuration:

# client.yaml
clusterName: "elasticsearch"
nodeGroup: "client"
  master: "false"
  ingest: "false"
  data: "false"
replicas: 2
  type: "LoadBalancer"

Execute the upgrade command three times, using each YAML config file:

Rhelm upgrade --wait --timeout=600 --install \
  --values ./master.yaml elasticsearch elastic/elasticsearch

helm upgrade --wait --timeout=600 --install \
  --values ./data.yaml elasticsearch elastic/elasticsearch

helm upgrade --wait --timeout=600 --install \
  --values ./client.yaml elasticsearch elastic/elasticsearch

The upgrade process might take a while. Once completed, verify the status of your resources:

kubectl get all

You should see output similar to this:

# Pods
NAME                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/elasticsearch-client-0    1/1     Running   0          10m
pod/elasticsearch-client-1    1/1     Running   0          10m
pod/elasticsearch-data-0      1/1     Running   0          11m
pod/elasticsearch-data-1      1/1     Running   0          11m
pod/elasticsearch-master-0    1/1     Running   0          8m27s
pod/elasticsearch-master-1    1/1     Running   0          8m27s
pod/elasticsearch-master-2    1/1     Running   0          8m27s

# Services
NAME                                    TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)                         AGE
service/elasticsearch-client            LoadBalancer    <YOUR_IP>       9200:32366/TCP,9300:31427/TCP   10m
service/elasticsearch-client-headless   ClusterIP      None              <NONE>         9200/TCP,9300/TCP               10m
service/elasticsearch-data              ClusterIP    <NONE>         9200/TCP,9300/TCP               11m
service/elasticsearch-data-headless     ClusterIP      None              <NONE>         9200/TCP,9300/TCP               11m
service/elasticsearch-master            ClusterIP     <NONE>         9200/TCP,9300/TCP               8m27s
service/elasticsearch-master-headless   ClusterIP      None              <NONE>         9200/TCP,9300/TCP               8m27s
service/kubernetes                      ClusterIP        <NONE>         443/TCP                         4h5m

# StatefulSets
NAME                             READY   AGE
statefulset.apps/elasticsearch-client   2/2     10m
statefulset.apps/elasticsearch-data     2/2     11m
statefulset.apps/elasticsearch-master   3/3     8m28s

To ensure everything is working, use curl to check the Elasticsearch endpoint:

curl http://<YOUR_IP>/_cluster/state?pretty

Your cluster should now be ready to handle production workloads efficiently. If you encounter issues with larger clusters, consider configuring readiness probes to verify that your Elasticsearch Pods are ready to accept traffic.

How to Deploy Kibana on Kubernetes:

Deploying Kibana on Kubernetes allows you to visualize and manage your Elasticsearch data easily. Follow these steps to get Kibana up and running on your Kubernetes cluster.


A running Elasticsearch cluster on Kubernetes.

Helm installed and configured.

Steps to Deploy Kibana

Add the Helm Chart for Kibana:

Use the official Helm chart to install Kibana. Run the following command, making sure to replace <CLIENT_SERVICE_NAME> with the name of your Elasticsearch client service. If you followed the 7-Pod Elasticsearch guide, the service name would be elasticsearch-client.

helm repo add bitnami

helm install --name elasticsearch --set \
name=elasticsearch,master.replicas=3,coordinating.service.type=LoadBalancer bitnami/elasticsearch

Verify the Deployment:

After running the Helm command, check to ensure that Kibana is running properly by listing all resources:


NAME                                                                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE

pod/elasticsearch-elasticsearch-coordinating-only-694b5f94f8-896k5   1/1     Running   0          3m55s

pod/elasticsearch-elasticsearch-coordinating-only-694b5f94f8-jvdrn   1/1     Running   0          3m55s

pod/elasticsearch-elasticsearch-data-0                               1/1     Running   0          3m55s

pod/elasticsearch-elasticsearch-data-1                               1/1     Running   0          3m27s

pod/elasticsearch-elasticsearch-master-0                             1/1     Running   0          3m55s

pod/elasticsearch-elasticsearch-master-1                             1/1     Running   0          3m35s

pod/elasticsearch-elasticsearch-master-2                             1/1     Running   0          3m16s

NAME                                                    TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)             AGE

service/elasticsearch-elasticsearch-coordinating-only   LoadBalancer   <Your_IP>        9200:32270/TCP     3m56s

service/elasticsearch-elasticsearch-discovery           ClusterIP      None             <none>          9300/TCP           3m56s

service/elasticsearch-elasticsearch-master              ClusterIP      <none>          9300/TCP           3m56s

service/kubernetes                                      ClusterIP       <none>          443/TCP            30m

NAME                                                            READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE

deployment.apps/elasticsearch-elasticsearch-coordinating-only   2/2     2            2           3m55s

NAME                                                                       DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE

replicaset.apps/elasticsearch-elasticsearch-coordinating-only-694b5f94f8   2         2         2       3m55s

NAME                                                  READY   AGE

statefulset.apps/elasticsearch-elasticsearch-data     2/2     3m56s

statefulset.apps/elasticsearch-elasticsearch-master   3/3     3m56s

Access Kibana:

Open your web browser and navigate to http://< YOUR KIBANA IP>:5601. You should see the Kibana interface, where you can start visualizing your Elasticsearch data.

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